Revista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología (Jan 2023)
Verma-Naumoff syndrome: a case report
In skeletal dysplasias, there are short rib polydactyly syndromes, which traditionally differentiate into four lethal types. This report describes a case of Type III, which presented characteristics of Types I and II. A 38-year-old woman presented fetal growth restriction at 17 weeks and 6 days, decreased amniotic fluid, enlarged and hyperechogenic kidneys, and long bones below the 3rd percentile. Three weeks later, she developed anhydramnia. The couple did not consent to the performance of an invasive test for genetic diagnosis and chose to maintain the pregnancy. At 33 weeks, due to premature labor and interactivity, a cesarean section was performed, giving birth to a female baby, who died due to respiratory failure – there were no vocal cords and no trachea visible at laryngoscopy. On physical examination, he had the phenotypic characteristics of the syndrome. An X-ray showed short ribs and severe pulmonary hypoplasia. After birth, the parents chose not to carry out a genetic study or an anatomical examination. Researchers have suggested that there is an intersection of the anatomical changes of the types. This case report supports this theory.