RIED: Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia (Jan 2017)
Can MOOCs promote learning by reducing university dropout rates?
Student dropouts at university-level education may result from varied situations and motivations, affecting the courses taught in the distance learning modality,and assuming a cost for both alumni and society. In order to improve learning and reduce the student dropout rate, we used a teaching methodology with distance learning students involving a MOOC as support to university teaching. The MOOC included written materials, explanatory videos, tests in each module, a forum to communicate with peers and teacher, and links to additional materials. Results were very satisfactory, since students had noticeably improved test scores and the number of students who failed the course remarkably reduced. Students also highly appreciated the quality of teaching and significantly improved the results of the previous year. This methodology awas found to apply only when the contents of the MOOC are similar or complementary to those taught in formal education.