Вестник Мининского университета (Feb 2022)
Life-meaning orientations in the personality structure of future defectologists
Introduction. In connection with the global trend aimed at the formation of tolerance to people with disabilities and with the increased demand in society for specialists of the defectological profile, the study of the personal characteristics of future defectologists is gaining special social significance for modern Russian society. The study of the meaning-life orientations of future teachers-defectologists is primarily due to the fact that the personality of a special teacher, his socially-oriented values and meanings have a direct impact on correctional and pedagogical activities with people with limited health opportunities.Materials and Methods. The study of the meaning-of-life orientations of students, future defectologists, was carried out using a number of diagnostic methods: the method of "Value and accessibility ratio" (Fantalova E. B.), the method of "Free choice of values" (Fantalova E. B.), the method of "Personal differential" and the method of "Meaning-of-life orientations" (Leontiev D.A.).Results. Based on the obtained diagnostic data, some features of their life-meaning orientations were identified in three groups of subjects-students of defectological education in the areas of training: speech therapy, oligophrenopedagogy and special psychology.Thus, students, future defectologists, revealed an internal conflict (VC) and an internal vacuum (BB) in the value-semantic. VC is most often found in future teachers-defectologists in such life spheres as" happy family life"," financially secure life"," health "and"love". BB finds itself in the areas of "the beauty of nature and art", "creativity" and" active, active life " of students. Based on the results of the "Free choice of values" methodology, we built a hierarchy of value orientations, future defectologists. Analyzing the results of the methodology "Meaning-life orientations" by D. A. Leontiev, we observe the distribution of meaningfulness in future defectologists in such a way that the average and high values of the meaningfulness parameters are most frequent for them. As a result of the analysis of the diagnostic results of the "Personal Differential" technique, we noted a high level of self-esteem and self-esteem of future defectologists, determined their personal orientation in communication and studied the development of the strong-willed sides of the personality.Discussion and Conclusions. We have studied and analyzed the meaning-life orientations of students, future speech pathologists, the peculiarity of their semantic orientation to altruism through the prism of a humane attitude to people. The zone of the nearest development and the zone of stagnation of the meaning-life orientations of future teachers-defectologists were determined. These studies can be used in the planning and development of programs for university training of specialists in the defectological profile.