Case Reports in Dermatology (Oct 2017)

Plaque-Type Syringoma: A Case Report

  • Chutima Rungananchai,
  • Daranporn Triwongwaranat

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 3
pp. 190 – 193


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Syringomas are benign appendageal tumors originated from eccrine ducts. The lesions usually present as multiple small, firm papules at lower eyelids and cheeks of women. Plaque-type syringoma is an infrequent form of syringoma and to date, 12 cases have been reported. Pathology demonstrated benign proliferation of eccrine ductal structures in the dermis with surrounding fibrotic stroma. We report the case of a 40-year-old Thai male with plaque-type syringomas at infraorbital areas.
