Język. Religia. Tożsamość (Dec 2020)
„Boże, nie dajże mnie w starości na sieroctwo i nędzę, bez wyręki”. Językowa kreacja ojca (Szymona Porębskiego) z powieści Matka Ignacego Maciejowskiego – Sewera
Ignacy Maciejowski’s novel Matka features the character of Szymon Porębski – Magda’s father and Antek and Władek’s father. The creation of the character relies mainly on the distinct personal characteristics of Sewer’s protagonist. Szymon Porębski’s major traits include stubbornness, relentlessness, firmness, industriousness, thrift, consistency and respect towards his what matters the most – his fatherland, family, home, farm and work. The creation of the character is reinforced by the structure of his utterances.