Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering (Mar 2016)

An improved algorithm of structural image reconstruction with rapid scanning optical delay line for Optical Coherence Tomography

  • Denis A. Petrov,
  • Saif N. Abdulkareem,
  • Kamal E. S. Ghaleb,
  • Sergey G. Proskurin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 2


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A new algorithm of structural image reconstruction in Optical Coherence Tomography is described. The modified rapid scanning optical delay (RSOD) line, low numerical aperture, small angle raster scanning with consecutive averaging and multilevel digital filtering have been used to obtain high quality structural images of an onion and the nail bed of a human thumb. The proposed method significantly improves image contrast and allows visualization of small blood capillaries under the nail plate.
