S&F_scienzaefilosofia.it (Jun 2020)
La madre nell’epoca della riproducibilità tecnica. Note femminili sulla sferologia
The Mother in the age of her technical reproduction. Feminine Motes on Spherology Using as starting point the analysis of the dyad Mother-Son faced by Peter Sloterdijk in Spheres I. Bubbles (1999), this article tries on one hand to show how pregnancy and the related experience of female body appear deeply transformed by the newest medical and genetical opportunities, and on the other to make a reflexion about how and when the social consequences of this transformation have profoundly to do with that the care experience the pregnancy consists of. This aspect redefines even the concept of «allomothernal care» used by Sloterdijk (Spheres III. Foames, 2004) as a peculiar performance of the social body. The article suggests that, after the age of the emancipator feminism, the later psycho-social condition of the mother forces the feminist thought to an unqualified alternative: reduce bravely the motherhood to reproduction (but this choice involves a de-territorialization and de-generation of maternal, what Sloterdijk seems to be waiting for) or, in the name of the power of mother (both beneficent and maleficient) re-familizing motherhood along a regressive, mythological and conservative road.