Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Études Andines (Dec 2020)
Los petrograbados y la técnica del gnomon como registro solar de marcadores astronómico-calendáricos en sitios del centro-norte de Mesoamérica
This proposal addresses the study of stone engravings and the implementation of gnomon as a technique that specifies precise orientations, solar dates and associations between the motifs recorded in different rocky matrices at a pair of prehispanic archaeological sites in Guanajuato, Mexico during the Epiclassic period of north central Mesoamerica. This perspective attempts to relate the graphic manifestations. It requires an accurate recor, with the optimal weather conditions in order to obtain the required data. The application of the gnomon on the designs seeks to find markers of the temporal space of the past, through the orientations and associations affected between figures or relevant parts of the rock engravings and on specific dates. It is proposed the observation of events related and associated with solar movement are related to conceptions structured by the worldview and though. This approach implies a study of lights and shadows of the sun on fixed archaeological elements and embodied in rocky outcrops or architectural elements.