Comparative Theology (Aug 2015)

Theory of Transcendent unity of Religion

  • Reza Karimi,
  • MohammadReza Freidooni,
  • Hossein Ali Torkamany

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 13
pp. 59 – 72


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This descriptive-analytic study by method in the form of a library in the field of Sciences of Quran and Hadith and suggests a new theory on difference of views about the religious judgments. The main problem is in one hand, the Quran's recognition of the plurality of religions in some verses and in other hand,the other verses those can be seen on the negation of religious plurality. In light of certain verses in this issue, some of thinkers have raised under different titles such as Traditionalism or religious pluralism and the unity of religions and religious pluralism and so on. mentioned religions in Quran, are essentially same in the Islam and monotheism. Thus there are the consensus on essential unity of religions and disagreement onhistoric unity of religions that is a source of more disagreements and different issues. Quran has determined the "bestdispute" asa method of dealing with religious laws that requires faith to common elements that is the "Islam" , although the "bestdispute" in light of the transcendental unity. This means that "best dispute" is a line between practical and theoretical pluralism. Instead of denying the "people of the Book", you shouldtake "Astbqa on charity" or overtaking on virtues. The rule stated in the Qur'an can be call"penetration in religion" and through this we can have better understand of the Qur'an's emphasis on reinforcement the Torah and the Gospel. However It should not be as pluralists, we have means Islam as only a religion in other religions.according to the Qur'an, the Prophet is the witness of the Muslims and people of Islam are witnesses of other peoples. total of true and mystical interpretation of the verses with these verses that explain Muslim religious superiorityindicate that the teachings of Islam has started fromthe holy scriptures, but under the prestige and the testimony of the teachings of the Prophet can be searched. In the Quran, the Muslim community have been called "moderate community". The Important result of The difference between vertical understanding from the horizontalis in the unity of religion. by the witness of nation of Islam - meaning the mediator between God and the Prophet of the People, the context of the unity and conflict resolution among the people to be provided. According toShiacommentators , the"moderate community" have minimal meaning and not maximal. Obtained on Shia traditions "moderate community" composed of some and not all Muslims, and some commentators have argued that the Quran is clear and apparent in dissatisfaction with some Muslims. According to the inward interpretation of Islam and "transcendent unity of religion", one religion over other religions have placed, it is the unity of religions. In general, the Quran, have especial comment on religions and none of the current theories do not fully explain the Quran's view. Quran calls into the word of God equally between religions, but this call to Islam is for all and no one is not who excluded from the invitation. and also the belief of the Prophet vertical, household, community center Shiites and people can be people through Bit interpreted not all Muslims claim Islam. Another important point is that the starting point should be first religion of anyone. 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