Kalimah (Mar 2018)
The Doctrine of Seventh-day Adventist Church on Food According to Ellen G. White
This study aims to understand the concept of food according to Ellen G White based on the teachings of Seventh-day Adventist Church. The object of this research is all about healthy lifestyles following Old Testament as a reference. Ellen recommends her pupils to consume healthy and nutritious food, as well as prohibits consuming foods that can disturb their condition. In order to achieve an objective mentioned above, this research utlizes a theological-normative approach; with an intention to reveal Ellen’s interpretation for the doctrine of food regarding the authenticity values founded within Old Testament. Accordingly, both descriptive and analysis method are executed to analyze this topic altogether with religious notions and the ideas of nutritionists. This research results a number of conclusions: First, the types of food nutrients are good elements for health of human body in accordance with the Biblical rules are: fruits, grains, vegetables, and any other crops. Second, Ellen also permitted another type of meals besides what has already mentioned above such as bread, cake, egg, milk, cheese, and fruit juice because these dishes sanify and affect good behavior for human. Moreover, those foods are also easily to be obtained among the poors. The types of foods prohibited by White, however, are tea, coffee, meat, tobacco, and alcoholic beverages, for instances. The reason behind it is that those meals are derived from animal nutrients and possibly causing illness to the body.Those diseases are: tuberculosis, cancer, and complications toward entire organs of human body. The tea and coffe, in the other hands, affect headache, wakefulness, heart palpitation, indigestion, trembling, and even leads to deviate behavior.