Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan (Feb 2016)
Peningkatan Pemahaman Konsep Pengukuran Luas dengan Investigasi Matematika di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar
The purpose of this study is to describe the process and the result of using mathematics investigation model to enhance the understanding of fifth year students of elementary school about the concept of area measurement. An action was applied to six students of grade V in SD Sumbersari III, Malang. The data were collected by means of interviews, fieldnotes, cassette recorder, and the students' work. The action was carried out five times. The results showed that before the action was applied, there was a number misconceptions among the students. After the action was conducted using the mathematics investigation model, the students' understanding about the concept of area measurement was improved. The students became more creative, felt happy and did not get bored in their learning