Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures (Sep 2016)
Le rôle du dialogue cognitif dans le développement du sentiment d’efficacité personnelle dans l’enseignement /apprentissage d’une L2
Self-efficacy (Bandura, [1997]/2003)is a psychological concept crucial in understanding academic motivation. It has an important role to play in didactic processes, including the teaching and learning of foreign languages. We intend to look more closely at its characteristic features, its impact on cognition, on the affective domain and on the learning skills of individual L2ers. Through a cognitive dialogue (Barth, 2013) between the teacher and the learner, with follow-up feedback sessions, a reflection of a cognitive and metacognitive nature is encouraged to regulate both the linguistic competences and skills of discovery (le savoir-apprendre) among students with learning disabilities.