Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (Jan 2008)
On the evaluation of chicken egg shape variability
Although recently reported models for determining egg shape are highly accurate, certain complicated measurements or computations are to be performed. Thus relatively simple and attainable analysis methods of chicken egg shape variability were chosen and used for the purpose of presented research. Sample of 250 eggs of ISA BROWN strain was examined. Geometrical parameters were measured and calculated with following expression of their coefficient of variation – namely egg length 3.56 %, egg maximum width 2.84 %, shape index 3.80 %, surface area 5.08 %, and egg volume 7.23 %. The second method consisted in shape quantitative measuring by the score of the principal components of elliptic Fourier descriptors (EFDs). The first four principles components which could explain over 99 % of the egg shape variations were found to be very good measures of the monitored phenomenon. It was found that 87.41 % of the total shape variation can be accounted to length to width ratio. Usefulness and relevance of the shape index usage was confirmed.