Paisagem e Ambiente (Dec 2001)
Diferentes níveis de percepção da paisagem da lagoa da conceição (SC) através do SIG
The landscapes of many brazilian cities have undergone an accelerated process of urbanization mainly due to poor planning. One such case is the Lagoa da Conceição, located in the Island of Santa Catarina, whose sudden growth was caused by the boom of tourism and, for that reason, chosen as the pilot area for this research. The study focuses on the search for tools that are able to provide a detailed interpretation of the interactions taking place between the natural and the man-made environments. For the spatial diagnosis, different scales of landscape perception were employed. On a general level it was possible to identify those areas that are more suitable for urban occupation, for natural preservation, and the areas of conflict over land use. On a detailed level, urbanized areas were analyzed enabling a better zoning and a clearer insight of conflicting areas. This detailing involves the identification of urban agents, and of the dominant construction types and uses in problematic areas. Among the results obtained are the spreading of updated cartographical bases, the understanding of the social and environmental conflicts revolving around land use, and the elaboration of recommendations regarding the future occupation of the area