Bìblìotečnij vìsnik (Jan 2021)
National Information Literacy Programs: the Experience of Southeast Asia and Ukraine
The aim of the article is to find out the goals, analyze the results of the national project "Action. Digital Education"(Ukraine); identify similar and unique elements compared to the national information literacy programs of Southeast Asia(for example, Malaysia and Singapore). The methodological basis of the study is theoretical and empirical methods: analysis of sources, descriptions, comparative analysis, systematization, visualization. The novelty of the study. For the first time,a scientific analysis of the goals and results of the national online platform for digital literacy "Action. Digital Education",as well as online and offline components of the project, has been conducted. Conclusions. It has been found that the educational platform "Action. Digital Education", with the assistance of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine andthe Ukrainian Library Association, aims to teach 6 million of Ukrainians digital literacy skills. Quantitative and regionalanalysis shows that during 2020, 1,716 hub libraries joined the project and became ambassadors of the project and helpedusers to take the selected training course free of charge. Similar elements in the implementation of national information literacy projects in Malaysia, Singapore have been identified. These are: developing media skills and information literacythrough telelearning (InfoLit-Telelearning in Malaysia); usage of the show format (Super SURE Show in Singapore); structuring programs by age and target audience (SURE 2.0 - for schoolchildren; SURE for Life - for different segments of thepopulation of Singapore); participation of celebrities and public libraries of the studied countries in advertising projects.Unique features of the Ukrainian project "Action. Digital Education" is the development of training courses in the formatof educational series; offering series of different levels of knowledge and a wide range of topics; involvement in cooperation as hubs of digital education of public organizations, schools, IT organizations, CNAP. Practical value. The study ofworldwide experiences in the implementation of national information literacy programs is a pressing issue today and is aprerequisite for the development of a national program and standards of information literacy in Ukraine.