Education Policy Analysis Archives (Aug 2014)

The deployment of inclusive education programs in a Brazilian municipality: the guarantee of an effective teaching-learning process?

  • Andressa Santos Rebelo,
  • Mônica de Carvalho Magalhães Kassar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 0


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The purpose of this paper is to address the policy of inclusive education implemented by the Brazilian federal government, with the objective of investigating whether the deployment of relevant programs has led to the guarantee of an effective teaching-learning process for pupils with disabilities. The municipality chosen for the study is located in the interior of Brazil. It is considered a magnet for the deployment of programs and serves as an articulator and multiplier of the actions of the Ministry of Education in the region. Our discussion of the guarantee of an effective teaching-learning process was based on data from the School Census carried out by the National Institute for Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira – INEP. The analysis revealed the increasing number of enrollments of pupils with disabilities in regular schools in Basic Education, as well as a concentration of enrolments in the first years of school, which indicates a lack of educational progress for that specific population. It also showed that there are still enrolments in the special education school in the region. Although the public education network is currently responsible for the schooling of the entire population, its actions exhibit fragility when the characteristics of the local education are taken into consideration.
