Pamiętnik Teatralny (Dec 1983)
Szklane domy Mieczysława Rulikowskiego: U początków powojennej nauki o teatrze
This article presents the role of Mieczyslaw Rulikowski (1881-1951) in the process of shaping and institutionalizing postwar theater studies in Poland. The author highlights the scholar's contributions to the development of book studies and the modernization of bibliography, as well as the significance of his archive and library for the advancement of theater studies. He also discusses his activities for the organization of theater studies, the preservation and consolidation of theater collections, and the establishment of a theater museum and archive. He describes the plans prepared during World War II for an edifice that would include the Theater Institute, the Theater Library and the Museum. Recalls post-war activities related to the attempt to establish the Theater Institute. In the appendix to the article, selected materials from Rulikowski's archive from the Special Collections of the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences are published.