Water Supply (Jul 2024)
Toward a water-sensitive precinct with stormwater harvesting: a case study in South Africa
The study assessed static management, i.e., without planned periodic maintenance of the storage (no sediment dredging) denoted as SC1, or with maintenance denoted as SC2. The second approach was dynamic management based on applying Real-Time Control (RTC) techniques to scenario SC1 and scenario SC2 denoted as RTC-1 and RTC-2, respectively. The dynamic management of the UCT dam with RTC-1 and RTC-2 approaches increase yield by 2.1 and 1.1 ml, respectively. Additionally, RTC-1 and RTC-2 approaches increase volumetric reliability by 5.3 and 2.5%, respectively, while maintaining the required level of service of a stormwater harvesting system. SC1 and SC2 results in water savings of up to 21.15 and 21.45 ZAR/kl, respectively, while RTC-1 and RTC-2 could save up to 19.35 and 19.45 ZAR/kl. Thus, static configurations results in water savings approximately 9% in comparison to RTC. In addition, static configurations harvested stormwater at a relatively lowest unit cost in comparison to RTC configurations. Notwithstanding this finding, the RTC system exhibits a great potential in reshaping the stormwater harvesting system to simultaneously deliver water conservation and stormwater management. HIGHLIGHTS Assessed the extent to which stormwater harvesting could contribute to ‘net zero’, i.e., transitioning the University of Cape Town toward a ‘water-sensitive precinct’.; Impact of planned periodic maintenance in enhancing harvested stormwater volume.; Benefit of Real-Time Control (RTC) in enhancing harvested stormwater volume;