Journal of Mid-Life Health (Jan 2010)

Non-conventional hormone therapy - Tissue-specific Tibolone-Caution

  • Jyotsna Potdar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 2
pp. 59 – 62


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Objectives: The present retrospective study was undertaken to assess safety profile of long term Tibolone therapy when one of my patients developed carcinoma breast. Methods: Fifty patients who were put on Tibolone were studied as regards the indication for Tibolone therapy, age distribution, duration of therapy and side effects. Results: Although most subjects responded well to therapy without significant side effects two patients developed breast lump. One of the breast lumps was malignant, the other benign. It is possible that prolonged Tibolone therapy may have caused carcinoma breast as against the notion that Tibolone is breast protective. Few of recent studies like Million Women Study and LIBERATE study which was concluded in April 2010, have shown that Tibolone also increases risk of carcinoma breast. Conclusion: Tibolone when used for management of menopausal symptoms should be given for less than 4 years and regular follow up with mammography is must.
