Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria Koinonía (Feb 2018)
USE OF Trichoderma harzianum Rifaii FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. IN ZABILA ( Aloe vera L.).
In the plantations of Falcon state have been observed phytosanitary problems caused by fungi and bacteria, among these phytopathogens, Sclerotium rolfsii is relevant. The inhibitory capability of three native isolates of Trichoderma harzianum against S. rolfsii was investigated at in vitro conditions, using the dual faci ng technique in Petri dishes, following a totally randomized design. Four treatments and 5 replications were used. The treatments were S. rolfsii vs Th4, S. rolfsii vs Th57, S. rolfsii vs Th59 and a control treatment, S. rolfsii S. rolfsii vs sterilized ag ar dish. The three isolates showed good antagonistic capability for inhibiting micelial growing of the pathogen, about 50 to 90% and inhibition of sclerotios formation, about 86%. Besides, the isolates were considered in the scale 2 of aggressively. The re sults indicate that the isolates have potentialities for the biological control of Sclerotium rolfsii Rifaii