LexCult (Jun 2020)
This article aims to analyze, although superficially becausethese are very recent and ongoing events, the democratic crisis suffered by Bolivia at the end of 2019. This crisis culminated in the resignation of then President Evo Morales, an important figure in the process of social changes that led to the Constitution of 2009, with all its peculiarities, and the coming to power of groups with proposals that are far from the ideas prevailing until then in that country. The group that formerly formed opposition to the government and is now invested with political power is, at least for the time being, willing to treat Bolivian democracy by models different from those developed and determined by the 2009 Constitution, leaving aside outstanding issues from that society such as diversity, multiculturality, plurinationality and the protagonism of native peoples. In place of the Andean democracy that had been present until then in Bolivia, the group that put itself in a position of power seems to be more inclined to use democratic models that had already been overcome, basedon the imposition of a unique and dominant culture, a culture that which is conservative and based on the concepts of a Christian religion and a vision of central modernity as a unique and necessary path for all peoples, regardless of their specific historical, social and cultural contexts. This return to previous models seems, for this author, as a setback that has the potential to bring many losses and very few advantages for that country.