Motif Akademi Halkbilimi Dergisi (Mar 2020)
Mankind always needed something from absolute authority throughout history. He always demanded something for the sake of his family, country or the humanity itself. Those demands and their statue of being required are a statue that associated with having a direct power or vice versa. To want someone to be good but not being able to make it happen or wishing someone that something bad happens to someone and waiting for it are theoretically the same. Hence, when mankind is not powerful enough for both, he seeks help from absolute authority and presents its requests with some patterns and in some forms, whose patterns are broadened/altered. While blessing is a way of showing regards, cursing is a way of showing bad wishes. Since applauses – imprecations continue their existences in life and oral culture, returns of the age and changing needs might go through some changes under the circumstances. Aside from applauses – imprecations which keep their existences as it is, also updates and new creations take their places inside the language. The instinct of wanting help from the absolute power, which is totally humane, have of course jumped to language and from there to literary language. Poets, as a part of their community, from time to time presented their applauses and imprecations through poetic language. Cemâl Sâfi who made a name for himself with his works Vurgun, Sende Kalmış, Kıyamete Kırk Kala and with many poems inside these works, also has good and bad wishes from absolute authority. This work is made for the determination of means of blessings and cursings in Cemal Safî's poems and their place in his poetry will be examined on examples.