TIMS: Acta (Jan 2013)

The importance of walking and walkability in urban tourism development

  • Farkić Jelena,
  • Perić Dušan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 2
pp. 145 – 152


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The subject of this paper is walking and walkability in Novi Sad, the capital of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The goal of the paper was to determine the most frequently utilized modes of transportation through urban environment, as well as to assess respondents' walking habits. The study included 184 respondents in total (101 residents and 83 tourists). Surveying was used as a data-collecting technique. The results showed that all respondents (both residents and tourists) opted for walking as their preferred way of moving around in Novi Sad and exploring its urban spaces. Conclusions drawn from the study might trigger the initiative of local government to make investments in improving the pedestrian infrastructure. This paper suggests an innovative approach to establishing of walking routes, which undoubtedly adds to the overall tourist experience. In this manner, urban walks in Novi Sad would get not only tourist and development dimension but also a health dimension.
