Atmosphere (Feb 2022)
The Zonal Wind Intraseasonal Oscillation in the Exit Region of the East Asian Subtropical Westerly Jet in Winter and Its Thermodynamic Mechanism
The six-hourly ERA-interim reanalysis data were used to analyze the intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) characteristics of the zonal wind in the exit region of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet (EAJ) during the winter (November to April). The results indicate that from East Asia to the North Pacific, the zonal wind in the upper troposphere shows significant 10–40-day oscillations, propagating eastward toward the jet exit region. The strength of the intraseasonal zonal wind anomaly increases from the lower troposphere to the upper troposphere, reaching a peak between 300 and 200 hPa. The zonal wind ISO in the jet exit area is closely related to the intraseasonal inverse temperature tendency between the north and south of the jet exit in the troposphere. In the acceleration (deceleration) phase of the intraseasonal west wind, the air temperature decreases (increases) in the north of the exit and increases (decreases) in the south of the exit. The intraseasonal temperature tendency is stronger in the north of the EAJ exit than that in the south. In the north of the EAJ exit, the intraseasonal temperature tendency is decided by the temperature advection, where the whole troposphere is controlled by the north wind in the west wind acceleration phase and controlled by the south wind in the west wind deceleration phase, so the intensity of temperature advection is strong. However, adiabatic heating plays a decisive role in affecting the temperature evolution in the south of the jet exit area, and the intraseasonal meridional wind is the opposite between the mid-upper troposphere and the lower troposphere, resulting in weak temperature advection and the weak temperature tendency. Therefore, although the zonal wind ISO in the jet exit area is the result of the joint action of the ISOs in different latitudes, the influence of mid-high latitudes is particularly important.