Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem (Sep 2015)

Teaching and learning processes of nursing students about HIV/aids management

  • Erika Aparecida Catoia,
  • Tais Regina Mesquita,
  • Elis Regina Mesquita,
  • Livia Maria Lopes,
  • Renata Karina Reis,
  • Rosangela Andrade Aukar Camargo,
  • Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa,
  • Aline Aparecida Monroe

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 3


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The study aimed to analyze teaching-learning processes related to HIV/aids through students of the last year of the nursing undergraduate course in a superior public educational institution. A descriptive quantitative study that used a self-reported instrument with sociodemographic variables, questions about teaching opportunities related to the theme and deepening of the content addressed. Descriptive techniques were used for data analysis. Eighty-four students participated in the study, from those 51,2% did not have theoretic classes about the theme, however, 57,1% affirmed to have contact with the subject in practice. In general, teaching presented fragilities. When facing challenges and advances in the complex universe of the condition, it is primordial to rethink educational processes in nursing training, as this professional is responsible for care management of people living with HIV/aids. Results provided elements for reflection of the nursing teaching reality about the disease.
