Eng (Mar 2023)
Turbulent Flame Propagation in Hydrogen-Air and Methane-Air Mixtures in the Field of Synthetic Turbulence: Direct Numerical Simulation
A technique alternative to the direct numerical simulation of turbulent combustion of gas mixtures is proposed. It is based on the solution of the three-dimensional transport equations for species concentrations and the energy conservation equation in the “synthetic” field of constant-pressure homogeneous, isotropic and statistically stationary (forced) turbulence using the detailed reaction mechanism. The synthetic turbulence with given spatial and temporal correlation functions is generated using the Monte Carlo method, assuming that the components of the vector of fluctuation velocity obey the normal Gaussian distribution. The technique is applied to the problem of turbulent combustion of fuel-lean and stoichiometric mixtures of hydrogen and methane with air at a turbulence intensity up to 10 m/s. The calculated turbulent flame propagation velocities agree satisfactorily with the values measured in the fan-stirred bomb. The predicted volume fractions of active reaction centers H, O, and OH in a turbulent flame are shown to be less than in a laminar flame up to an order of magnitude, which also agrees with the experiment. In general, calculations indicate that the “wrinkled flame” model is applicable to fuel-lean and stoichiometric mixtures of hydrogen and methane with air at turbulence intensities up to 10 m/s