Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()

Transition of blind women to motherhood from the perspective of Transitions Theory

  • Rosângela da Silva Santos,
  • Vivian Mara Ribeiro



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ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the transition of blind women to motherhood from the perspective of Transitions Theory. Method: a qualitative, descriptive study, which had as participants 11 blind women. An open interview was conducted using the narrative method. Analysis occurred in the light of Transitions Theory, with approval from the Research Ethics Committee with Human Beings. Results: the age group was 32 to 63 years, mostly Catholic, with social security benefits. Transition to motherhood mainly evidenced the experience when becoming a mother and feelings related to this new phase of life. Final considerations: the women in the study adapted themselves to the maternal role, even with difficulties, developed healthy relationships with their children, overcame their disability and nurtured dreams and desires. They were aware of their role, achieving with mastery a healthy transition. It was evidenced scarcity of nursing therapies.
