Annals of the “Ştefan cel Mare” University: Physical Education and Sport Section - The Science and Art of Movement (Jun 2022)

Study concerning the development of motor qualities speed and skill at primary school children by using motion games

  • Florin Leuciuc ,
  • Rosca Vasile

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 1
pp. 4 – 14


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The Physical Education class represents the main form of organising the physical activity within the educational process. During Physical Education classes, we pursue improving students’ health, increasing the organism’s resistance to environmental factors, developing motor qualities, forming and perfecting motor abilities, initiating students in practising certain sports, developing moral and will qualities. To attain the competences mentioned above, the teacher has to choose, from the multitude of aids and methods teaching Physical Education can use, the ones he or she considers most efficient, also corresponding to the pupils’ age and sex particularities to the ones concerning the school’s infrastructure and traditions. Considering the fact that organising the educational process must be oriented in a way which allows students to be more than mere executers, making them aware of the value of the actions and exercises they have learnt and of their effects, I noticed that using motion games is particularly effective and has a great influence upon the students, stimulating them to perform the tasks concerning the development of their motor qualities. Thus, the students are given the possibility to benefit from the influence of the game actions, totally mobilising them all along the classes, developing their fair-play spirit and desire for victory.