Неотложная медицинская помощь (Aug 2021)
Isolated Pancreatic Injury Diagnosed Seven Months After Thoracoabdominal Trauma
We present a case of a closed thoracoabdominal trauma with pancreatic rupture. Closed abdominal trauma is one of the main causes for urgent hospitalization and emergency surgery. Injury of pancreatic ductal system is noted for the most severe course because of complications caused by outflow of the pancreatic juice into the retroperitoneal fat and the free abdominal cavity. One of the main factors affecting the efficacy of treatment is the time gap between a traumatic incident and hospitalization with subsequent surgical treatment. We report the results of management of a 53-year-old patient with closed thoracoabdominal injury and incomplete rupture of the pancreas, diagnosed 6 months after the “steering wheel” trauma. The injury was diagnosed with radiation techniques. Surgery included laparotomy, corporocaudal resection of the pancreas with splenectomy. The incidence of pancreatic traumatic injuries and the results of treatment are the matters for discussion.