Micro and Nano Engineering (Jun 2021)
Anisotropic and low damage III-V/Ge heterostructure etching for multijunction solar cell fabrication with passivated sidewalls
This article presents a complete plasma etching process to etch high aspect ratio patterns on III-V/Ge solar cell heterostructure with low damage for the fabrication of multijunction solar cells with a through cell via contact architecture. A SiCl4/H2 chemistry was studied with different hydrogen dilutions within the plasma (0%, up to 67%) and with different cathode temperatures (20∘C, up to 200∘C). This chemistry choice creates a SiClx-based inhibiting layer on the sidewalls that promotes anisotropic etching through the epitaxial heterostructure. The study suggests that a high hydrogen flow and a low temperature reduce the chemical reactions that create sidewall erosion. A high hydrogen flow appears to provide a hydrogen passivation of the non-radiative defects on the III-V heterostructure sidewall during the etching process. III-V/Ge triple junction solar cells with standard grid line and busbar front and back contacts have been fabricated and via-holes were plasma-etched through the active layers in order to investigate the impact of hydrogen passivation on the photovoltaic performance. The results demonstrate that the hydrogen passivation enables an open-circuit voltage increase that persists even after 5 months. This plasma process can also be used for the mesa etching step on multijunction solar cells with standard contacts. Thus, it could provide an appealing pathway to increase the conversion efficiency of state-of-the-art multijunction solar cells with standard contacts. To complete the etching process, a liner is used to protect the sidewall properties and a time-multiplexed Ge etching process is proposed to finalize the patterning and even open a pathway towards III-V/Ge plasma dicing.