Revue Italienne d'Etudes Françaises (Nov 2023)

Des romans pour les « gens de 2052 »

  • Teresa Manuela Lussone

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13


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Far from claiming to be exhaustive, this dossier aims to take stock of research on Irène Némirovsky. In his article, Olivier Philipponnat recounts his experience as a biographer and questions the ambiguous nature of this work. Gabriella Bosco shares her experience as a journalist-researcher. Marco Caratozzolo looks at the links between Irène Némirovsky and the world of Russian émigrés in Paris. Maria Grazia Porcelli’s article concerns the stagings of Le Bal, in particular Bergamasco’s 2015 production. Elena Quaglia analyses the writing of the novel Le Vin de solitude, which has a clear autobiographical dimension. Sarah Pinto examines the varying degrees of presence of foreign languages in the author’s novels and short stories. Iacopo Leoni examines Le Pion sur l’échiquier, which was greeted by the critics of the time as a failed book. The three articles that close this collection are devoted to the last period of the author’s output. Christelle Reggiani looks at some of the short stories the author wrote during this period, while Yves Baudelle examines the novel Les Biens de ce monde, which received very little critical attention. The final article traces the process of composing Suite française. The dossier closes with the text in the “Documents” section of the Review, edited by Marco Caratozzolo.
