Das Amazônias (Jul 2024)
Presença/Ausência: relampejos indígenas em espaços da cidade de Rio Branco – Acre
This article was organized and conceived on the basis of the course: Discourses, Subjects and Identities of the Postgraduate Program in Letters: Language and Identity at the Federal University of Acre (Ufac). The aim was to discuss the processes of overlapping landscapes, names and spaces in the commercial center of Rio Branco, capital of the state of Acre, highlighting the presence/absence of indigenous peoples in these spaces. Thus, we mapped the ways in which the indigenous presence is erased in public spaces in Rio Branco in Acre, focusing on places where graffiti and names referring to these peoples appear as a silencing strategy. In other words, these names and images mask different processes of exclusion of these men and women from the narration of the history of the Acre capital. The theoretical-methodological path consisted of bibliography, photography and analysis of these photos, inspired by the following researchers: Carvalho (2020), Silva (2020), Shiel (2004), Chauí (2001), Didi-Huberman (2014), among others. As a result, we identified that these fragments or flashes are ancient ancestral paths that cross and reappear in the midst of temporal linearity; that resist and survive the entire process of "modernization" in the city of Rio Branco, Acre.