Srusti Management Review (Dec 2014)

E-Banking: A New Dimension in Indian Banking

  • Dr.Amit Basak

Journal volume & issue
Vol. VII, no. II
pp. 16 – 22


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Rapid progress in the field of information technology has reduced the world to a global village and it has caused unprecedented change in the banking industry. Apart from branch banking in the brick and mortar mode, click and order channels like internet banking, ATMs, tele-banking and mobile banking are now in vogue. Customers can view the accounts, get account statements, transfer funds, purchase drafts by just making a few key punches. Availability of ATMs and plastic cards to a large extent do not make it necessary for customers to go to branch premises. Indian banking industry has witnessed a tremendous development due to sweeping changes that are taking place in information technology. Electronic banking has emerged from such an innovative development. In this context, the paper makes an attempt to examine the performance of Indian banking sector in the area of ebanking. The paper is divided into five sections. In section I and II, backdrop and objectives of the study have been stated. Section III contains the data and methodology. The analysis and interpretations are presented in section IV and section V is a concluding part wherein some suggestions have been given. The study is based on secondary data and different statistical and mathematical tools such as simple growth rate, percentages and averages are used. The progress in e-banking in Indian banking industry is measured through various parameters such as computerization of branches, Automated Teller Machines, transactions through Retail Electronic Payment Methods ,usage of Electronic Clearing Cards, etc.
