Review of Artistic Education (Mar 2019)

The Enescian Pianistic Notes and Commentaries (1st part)

  • Naie Lăcrămioara

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 1
pp. 47 – 51


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Moldavian by nature and genius by vocation, maestro George Enescu remained captured in the universal consciousness as an accomplished violinist, composer and as an amazing and inspired musician – pianist which gathered in an admirable synthesis elegance, refinement, impressionist tones, romantic flames, classic – German construction, all these under the aura of a profound Romanian feeling. All the Enescian pianistic artistic creation is under the sign of the stylistic unity, of the maximal concentration of the musical substance that carry all artistic emotions and the accumulations of the modern musical expression. The generous, wide and bidding instrumental register covers the adage of “unity in diversity”.
