SA Journal of Industrial Psychology (Jun 1991)
Die tipering van verbruikerslewenstyle
The typifying of consumer lifestyles. Due to the lack of a South-African instrument to measure consumer lifestyles, a questionnaire is constructed from which lifestyle typifications can be made. This instrument is constructed with reported research as a basis, as well as new items written with the purpose of this research project in mind. In this study four lifestyle typifications are constructed namely (a) the apathetic group, (b) the artistic, socially uninvolved bookworm, (c) the politically active, socially integrated group and (d) the first-class group. Recommendations for future research are made. Opsomming Weens die gebrek aan 'n Suid-Afrikaanse meetinstrument om verbruikerslewenstyle te meet, is 'n vraelys ontwikkel waaruit lewenstyltiperings gedoen kan word. Hierdie instrument is ontwikkel vanuit gerapporteerde navorsing en nuwe items wat geskryf is vir die doeleindes van hierdie navorsing. In hierdie studie is vier lewenstyltiperings saamgestel, naamlik (a) die apatiese groep, (b) die kunssinnige, sosiaal- onbetrokke boekwurms, (c) die polities-aktiewe, sosiaal-gei'ntegreerdes en (d) die voortreflikes. Aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing word gemaak.