Salud Pública de México (May 2017)

Variables associated with disordered eating behaviors among freshman students from Mexico City

  • Concepción Díaz de León-Vázquez,
  • José Alberto Rivera-Márquez,
  • Letza Bojorquez-Chapela,
  • Claudia Unikel-Santoncini

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 59, no. 3, may-jun
pp. 258 – 265


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Objective. To estimate the prevalence of disordered eating behaviors (DEB) and identify their associations with demographic and psychological variables among freshman students at a public university in Mexico City. Materials and methods. A sample of 892 subjects participated in the study. Bivariate and multinomial models were performed to determine associations between DEB and covariates. Results. Of those surveyed, 6.8% of the women and 4.1% of the men exhibited DEB (p<0.05). The variables increasing the risk of eating disorders (ED) for women were internal­ization of the aesthetic thin ideal (IATI), body mass index (BMI), self-esteem and physical activity, while for men they were IATI, drive for muscularity, and self-esteem. Conclu­sions. The frequency of DEB among women and men and the internalization of the thin ideal in both sexes suggest the possibility of a change in the precursor conditions for eating disorders, particularly for men, who exhibit increased risk of such behaviors.
