Telecom (Sep 2021)
Advanced Resources Reservation in Mobile Cellular Networks: Static vs. Dynamic Approaches under Vehicular Mobility Model
Many studies in literature have shown that the bandwidth of an ongoing flow can dynamically change during multimedia sessions and an efficient bandwidth allocation scheme must be employed. This paper focuses its attention on the management of predictive services in Wireless Infrastructure Dynamic Networks. In particular, two classes of service are considered: NSIS-Mobility Independent Predictive and NSIS-Mobility Dependent Predictive, where NSIS is the Next Steps in Signaling protocol, employed for resources reservation in Integrated Services architectures. A general prediction technique is proposed, based both on the analysis of time spent into a cell by mobile nodes and on the probabilities of hand-in and hand-out events of mobile nodes from wireless cells. User mobility needs to be firstly analyzed and a novel realistic mobility model has been considered, differently from some existing works in which synthetic mobility is generated. The analysis of user mobility is mandatory when the reduction of passive resource reservations for NSIS-MIP users is desired, with a good enhancement in system utilization. Moreover, predictive reservation and admission control schemes have been integrated. The performance of the 2D wireless system is evaluated in terms of average system utilization, system outage probability, number of admitted flows and reservation prediction errors. We provided to carry out an extensive simulation campaign, in order to assess the goodness of the proposed idea: we verified that good results (in terms of perceived utility, bandwidth and admitted flows) can be obtained, outperforming also some existing works.