Headache is the most common cause of neurological disorders. The usefulness of imaging tests may vary depending on the patient's clinical situation. The Korean Society of Radiology and National Evidence-Based Healthcare Collaborating Agency have decided to develop evidence-based guidelines for the imaging tests necessary for diagnosing patients with selected, frequently encountered types of headache. Development, working, and advisory committees were formed. Recommendation statements were derived from the adaptive development methods provided by the existing guidelines. Non-contrast head CT is recommended in patients with acute thunderclap headache due to possible subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), and CT angiography is recommended to confirm aneurysmal SAH. In patients with non-acute headache and normal neurological findings, radiological examination is not recommended, but head MRI is recommended to investigate the cause of secondary headache. Non-contrast head MRI is recommended for new-onset headache with neurologic abnormalities in pregnant women.