Russian Language Studies (Dec 2019)
To the word with love: dedicated to the anniversary of professor V.A. Maslova
The article presents a brief essay on the scientific biography and academic career of V.A. Maslova, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of German Philology of Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov. Valentina Maslova is one of the best-known modern Russian linguists. She is the author of more than 700 works including classic textbooks. The sphere of V.A. Maslova’s scientific interests includes cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistics, linguistic text analysis, language philosophy, etc. Valentina Maslova has been the leader of Vitebsk school of cultural linguistics for more than 20 years. Within this period there have been implemented several funded scientific projects, PhD theses and a doctoral thesis.