Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición (Sep 2003)
Evaluación microbiologica y fisicoquímica de néctares pasteurizados elaborados con pulpa de tomate de árbol (Cyphomandra betaceae Sendth)
El tomate de árbol (Cyphomandra betaceae Sendth) es una especie originaria de las regiones tropicales altas. En Venezuela se cultiva en los estados andinos y Aragua, sin embargo su consumo está restringido como fruto fresco a pesar de su potencial agroindustrial y alimentario en especial como fuente de provitamina A. El objetivo de esta investigación es la elaboración de cuatro néctares acondicionados con ácido ascórbico (I: 0%; II: 0,5%; III: 1,0 y IV: 1,5%) con una relación de 1 L de pulpa: 4 L de agua (1:4). Los néctares pasteurizados (60º C durante 30 min) se conservaron bajo refrigeración a 7,0 ± 1,0 ºC en envases ámbar de 250 mL. Se evaluaron semanalmente durante 21 días bacterias mesófilas, hongos, levaduras, coliformes totales (NMP/mL), pH, ºBrix, acidez titulable, carotenoides totales, vitamina C y azucares totales. El recuento de bacterias mésofilas para todas las formulaciones en el primer día evaluado fue 0,05) en los parámetros: pH, ºBrix y azucares totales. Se determinaron diferencias significativas en el contenido de vitamina C y carotenoides totales (PSUMMARY. Microbiological and physicochemical of pasteurized nectars elaborated with tree tomato (Cyphomandra betaceae Sendth) pulp. Tree tomato (Cyphomandra betaceae Sendth) is a species from high tropical regions. In Venezuela, it is cultivate at the Andean and Aragua state but its consumption is restricted as fruit-fresh, though it a nutritious and industrial potential due its provitamin A content. In this research four nectars were elaborated in proportion 1 L pulp/4 L of water (1:4) and addition of ascorbic acid (I: 0%; II: 0.5%; III: 1.0 y IV: 1.5%). The nectars were pasteurized (60º C for 30 min), tuned into amber bottle, and stored under refrigeration conditions (7.0 ± 1.0 ºC). Weekly during 21 days the mesophilic bacteria, molds, yeasts, total coliforms (MPN/mL), pH, ºBrix, acidity, total carotenoids, vitamin C and total sugars were evaluated. The mesophilic bacteria content was 0.05) were founded on : pH, ºBrix and total sugars. Significant differences (P<0.05) were founded in vitamin C and total carotenoids content. Sensorial analysis did not show significant differences between formulations for the smell and flavor attributes, when the color was discriminate during the evaluations. The formulation I (without acid ascorbic) had more preference due its color. In conclusion, the nectars showed useful life of 14-21 days under refrigeration condition storage due to the adequate physicochemical and microbiological quality of the product.