Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (Jan 2016)
Awareness of the Vysočina Regional Food Labels With Context of Their Media Presence
The article presents results of research study that focused on the recognition of the Vysočina regional labels among the consumers in the region in connection with media analysis about the topic. Research among consumers was conducted in each district of Vysočina Region (Jihlava, Žďár nad Sázavou, Třebíč, Havlíčkův Brod and Pelhřimov) by interviewing a sample of 819 respondents, selected by quota sampling methods. The research was aimed at analysing the ability of respondents to recognise and differentiate two existing regional labels VYSOČINA Regional Product®, Regional Food Vysočina Region and also nonexistent brand From Our Region Vysočina, created by authors. Data have been processed with correspondence analysis and showed that respondents connect different characteristics with the labels. Media analysis of the Vysočina regional labels revealed that media may help building awareness about the labels but they do not shape respondents’ views on them. Examining the link between the frequency of different types of information in media and their potential impact on the labels’ pereception by consumers have shown distorted image. Stronger consensus between research and media analysis have been examined only on importance of products’ origin, which can be viewed as a logical inference from the name of the labels.