Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa (May 2024)

Przestępstwo czynu nierządnego z nieletnim w kodeksach karnych państw zaborczych i kodeksie karnym z 1932 roku. Przyczynek do badań

  • Karol Siemaszko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. Tom 17 (2024), no. 1
pp. 49 – 63


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The crime of pedophilia, as a separate type of prohibited act, appeared in Poland together with the criminal codes of the partitioning countries. These provisions were in many cases very casuistic, providing a different standard of protection for minors. The Criminal Code of 1932 introduced a uniform standard of protection through the provision of Article 203 penalizing the act of fornication with a minor. The author discusses not only the provisions of the partitioning codes and the Polish Criminal Code of 1932 relating to the crime of pedophilia, but also points to the conflict of these provisions with the provisions of the marriage law in force in Poland, which in some cases allowed children under 15 years of age to marry.