Bucovina Forestieră (Jul 2003)

Analiza dendroecologică a regimului perturbărilor în pădurile din nordul Carpaţilor Orientali [Dendroecological analysis of disturbance regime in forests form the North of Eastern Carpathian]

  • Popa I

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 1
pp. 017 – 030


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The present structure of natural forest ecosystems from the North of Eastern Carpathian, his heterogeneity, is the results of the historic disturbances. The wind damage represent the most important disturbance factor in these forests, with significant impacts on growth process through the modification of the spatial stand structure. The effects of the disturbance factor on the growth process is visible by a high acceleration of growth over more than 10 years. Using the tools of dendroecology, respectively the graphical analysis of radial growth and primary growth index, obtained by the separation of signal, was possible to establish the disturbance regime in forest form the North of Eastern Carpathians. In Rodna Mountains windthrow frequency is lower than in Moldova basin, where we can see a major disturbance at every 35-40 years. Interesting is that the windthrow from 1815- 1820 is preset in all dendrochronological series, more or less intensive, having a great impact on the landscape of superior basin of Bila, determining the apperance of the stands from BILB and BILC and a high destructuration of stone pine ecosystem from BILD. Other important disturbance are from 1880- 1890, very evident in the dendrochronological series from GIUA, SLAA, BILB, PUTB. This disturbance, assimilated with a windthow, was mentioned in historic books dated in 26 June 1885 in the North of Eastern Carpathians.
