Fondatia : Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar (Sep 2022)

Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Ensiklopedia IPA Berbasis Pendekatan Contextual Teaching & Learning (CTL) pada Materi Energi dan Perubahannya untuk Siswa Kelas III Sekolah Dasar

  • Rieska Hadisumarno Putri,
  • Candra Puspita Rini,
  • Ferry Perdiansyah

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 3
pp. 751 – 766


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This research is a development research that aims to produce learning media products in the form of a science encyclopedia book based on Contextual Teaching & Learning (CTL) on energy material and its changes for third grade elementary school students and to determine the quality of learning media based on aspects of validity and feasibility aspects. This research refers to the 4D model (Define, Design, Development, Disseminate). The population subjects in this study were third grade students at SD Negeri Sukasari 7, Tangerang City. The instruments used to measure the quality of the learning media developed in this study were the validity aspect assessment sheet by media experts and material experts, the feasibility aspect assessment sheet by the classroom teacher, and student response questionnaires. an average score of 3.95 which indicates "valid" learning media with good criteria, the assessment of material experts who get an average score of 4.00 and 4.15 which indicates "valid" learning media with good criteria, the assessment of class teachers who get an average an average score of 4.26 which indicates the learning media is "very feasible" to be used, and based on student questionnaires, an average score of 4.6 is obtained for small-scale trials and an average score of 4.7 for large-scale trials which show media This learning has a quality that is "very feasible" to be used by students.
