Journal of Research in Education Sciences (Dec 2009)
高中職學生問題導向兩性關係與溝通網路學習成效之研究 A Study of the Effectiveness of Problem-based Gender Relationship and Communication by Applying Interactive E-learning to Assist High School and Vocational High School Students
依據相關研究發現,「兩性關係與溝通」是高中職學生最迫切需要的學習主題。本研究將應用「問題導向兩性關係與溝通學習網站」及「融入式問題導向兩性關係與溝通實驗教材」,以一所高中和高職共133 位學生,分為「實驗組」及「對照組」進行準實驗研究,並採用問卷調查、觀察日誌及焦點團體等方式,蒐集分析量化及質性資料。研究發現:一、問題導向兩性關係與溝通學習實驗,不論在高中和高職均有顯著的學習成效;二、高中學生的問題導向「面對面學習」組優於「網路學習」組的學習成效;三、高職學生的問題導向「網路學習」組優於「面對面學習」組的學習成效;四、未來可增加多元化的討論議題、影音教材,並提供線上心理測驗與個別諮詢,以提升學習成效。 The problems of campus violence such as acquaintanceship in Internet, suicide and sexual harassment occur very often. Related research results showed that infusing the Gender Relationship and Communication into the web-based learning is urgent need for high school and vocational high school students. This study uses “the e-learning web-side of problem-based Gender Relationship and Communication” and “involving problem-based Gender Relationship and Communication e-learning teaching materials” to instruct students. The purpose of this study was to explore the learning effect and investigate the influenced problems. A quasi-experimental design was utilized and purposive sampling was conducted at a high school and a vocational high school in Taiwan. One hundred thirty three eleven grade students were assigned into experimental and control group in each school. In this study, quantitative and qualitative research methods were used, and they included Survey, Observation records analyzing and focus group. The findings of this study including: (1) Using problem-based Gender Relationship and Communication e-learning can promote the learning effectiveness of experimental and control groups significantly in both of the school. (2) The problem-based learning effect of face to face learning is significant than e-learning learning in high school. (3) The problem-based learning effect of e-learning learning is significant than face to face learning in vocational high school. (4) The students suggest that diversity topics for discussion, multi-media materials, online psychological test and individual guiding may promote the learning effectiveness.