JINOP (Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran) (Nov 2018)


  • Bustanol Arifin,
  • Frendy Aru Fantiro,
  • Bahrul ulum

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 2
pp. 123 – 131


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Abstrak: Pelaksanaan lesson study ini memiliki tujuan yaitu meningkatkan kecerdasan kinestetik menggunakan modifikasi permainan pada kelas 4 di SD Moh. Hatta Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan mengimplementasikan lesson study. Adapun subyek penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas 4 di SD Moh. Hatta Malang Pengimplementasian lesson study ini dilakukan dalam 4 kali putaran. Tahapan pelaksanaan LS terdiri dari 3 tahapan yaitu: (1) tahap perencanaan (plan), (2) Tahap pelaksanaan (do), serta (3) tahap refleksi (see). Kecerdasan Kinestetik siswa kelas 4 SDN Moh Hatta Data rata-rata nilai siswa pada matapelajaran PJOK pada siklus I 72,5; siklus II 77,13 dan siklus III 78,5. Siklus IV 81,7 Peningkatan dari siklus I ke siklus II 4,63; siklus II ke siklus III 1,37. Siklus III ke IV 3, 25 Lesson study menyebabkan siswa bersemangat, dalam melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran dan merasa senang sehingga hasil kemampuan gerak kinestetik paserta didik dari siklus I ke siklus IVmeningkat. Kata Kunci: kecerdasan kinestetik, modifikasi permainan, sekolah dasar Abstract: The implementation of this lesson study has the aim of improving kinesthetic intelligence using game modification in grade 4 in Moh. Hatta primery school. This research is a descriptive research by implementing lesson study. The subjects of the study were 4th grade students in Moh. Hatta primery school. The implementation of this lesson study was conducted in 4 rounds. The stages of LS implementation consist of 3 stages: (1) planning stage, (2) Implementation stage (do), and (3) stage of reflection (see). Kinesthetic Intelligence of grade 4 students in Moh Hatta Primary School Average data on student score on Physchal Education learning in cycle I 72,5; cycle II 77.13 and cycle III 78.5. Cycle IV 81,7 Increase from cycle I to cycle II 4.63; cycle II to cycle III 1.37. Cycle III to IV 3, 25 Lesson study causes the students to be excited, in doing the learning activities and feel happy so that the result of kinesthetic ability of the students from cycle I to cycle IV can increased. Keywords: kinesthetic intelligence, game modification, elementary school
