Artefactos (Dec 2016)

The experimental method in the seventeenth century

  • Sergio RODERO

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 0
pp. 163 – 180


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We will address the experimental method in the seventeenth century, based on the scientific-experimental method of Galileo and Newton. We are interested in how Descartes and Leibniz especially collect the ideas of Galileo and Newton when building their methods of scientific experimentation in the s. xvii. Of all modern, René Descartes was the philosopher came to the right to turn the stolen knob from Aristotle, as was universally read and had many followers. Descartes created a metaphysical foundation, an epistemology and an integral system of nature that covering the explanation of all phenomena. He promised a foolproof method of discovery. His reputation grew through the work of skilled and patients exhibitors, especially Jacques Rohault (1620-1673), and when began to be noticeable the defects of his own explanations of natural phenomena, his system was revitalized by the writings of «newcartesians» extremely competents, among the cases of Huygens, Malebranche and Leibniz himself. De facto, despite the contrary powerful influence of Newton, Descartes throw light would extend to penetrate the more general glow of the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century and its main monument, the Encyclopedy of Diderot and d’Alembert. On the other hand, Descartes was a brilliant pure mathematician who also did work lasting value in the field of mathematical physics; if he was not been philosopher, also occupy a prominent place in the history of science. In all aspects except one, the experimental systematic research, Descartes excelled at the time of his death, and after this he would be, for all the people were able to understand his books, the great luminary, the man who had opened a wide path for the posterity.
