Tropicultura (Jan 2003)
Technique de production intensive du poisson chat africain, Clarias gariepinus
Intensive Production of African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus. The African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, is well appreciated in Africa and reaches high prices on the town markets (2 - 3 Euro/kg). Although it is raised since 1974 and its production is increasing in Europe, Asia and Latin America, the African production is on standby. The intensive production systems (biomass: 10 - 400 kg/m3, production: 1 - 4 kg/m3/j) in recirculated systems recently developed in Europe (family farms: 200 - 250 t/year) are profitable when the selling price on the farm reach 1,2 Euro/kg. This kind of model could be adapted by the African fish farmers to their local conditions and finally contributed to an important development of fish culture in Africa.