Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia (Jul 2009)

Osteomielite esternal por Mycobacterium tuberculosis Sternal osteomyelitis caused by infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis

  • Diego Michelon De Carli,
  • Mateus Dornelles Severo,
  • Carlos Jesus Pereira Haygert,
  • Marcelo Guollo,
  • Alex Omairi,
  • Vinícius Dallagasperina Pedro,
  • Eduardo Pedrolo Silva,
  • Arnaldo Teixeira Rodrigues

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 35, no. 7
pp. 709 – 712


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Descrevemos o caso de um paciente de 74 anos, masculino, com dor torácica na porção superior do esterno com um ano de evolução associada a eritema, edema e fístula com drenagem de material purulento. Paciente HIV negativo e sem história prévia de contato com TB. A TC de tórax evidenciou lesão osteolítica esternal, e o material de biópsia revelou granuloma caseoso negativo para fungos e bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes no exame microbiológico direto. O diagnóstico de osteomielite esternal por Mycobacterium tuberculosis foi realizado por PCR.We report the case of a 74-year-old male patient with a one-year history of chest pain in the suprasternal notch associated with erythema, edema and drainage of purulent material from a fistulous lesion. The patient was HIV-negative with no history of TB. A CT scan of the chest showed an osteolytic lesion in the sternum, and a biopsy revealed caseous granuloma, which, in the microbiological evaluation, was negative for fungi and acid-fast bacilli. The diagnosis of sternal osteomyelitis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis was confirmed using PCR.
