Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług (Jan 2015)
Motywy i bariery współpracy przedsiębiorstw w klastrach – analiza empiryczna
Clusters play a key role in building the knowledge-based economy as they are the place where the exchange and diffusion of knowledge upon which innovative solutions are based occur as a result of synergy. The inclusion of enterprises in the cluster structure leads to their higher specialisation and operational efficiency through direct application of economies of scale. The paper aims to answer the question what motivates and limits Polish enterprises in making decisions about initiating cooperation (i.e. their entry into the cluster structure). It is also important to provide initial recommendations on how to support Polish enterprises in creating cluster structures. The paper is based on a desk research analysis and an analysis of the survey results concerning the level of development of cooperation in regard to the cluster structures located in the “Lodz-Warsaw corridor” that operate in the following sectors: fruit and vegetables, pharmaceutical and cosmetics, logistics, as well as clothing and textiles (the sectors that are part of smart specialisations of the regions where the study was conducted).